Here's your opportunity to win $3,000, $1,500 or $750 through a National Intelligence Writing Contest sponsored by AFCEA and the Naval Intelligence Professionals. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2011. The contest is open to everyone and can be approached from any relevant perspective: strategic, operational and/or tactical.
AFCEA International (AFCEA) and the Naval Intelligence Professionals (NIP) are both not-for-profit associations that support public and private sector intelligence professionals and the Intelligence Community. To help stimulate dialogue about intelligence and its role in national security, AFCEA and NIP have established the National Intelligence Writing Contest.
2011 Topic :

What are the major intelligence challenges we face in today's national security environment? Which one would you fix and how?
The contest offers a first place prize of $3,000, a second place prize of $1,500, and a third place prize of $750, plus the chance to be published in AFCEA’s SIGNAL Magazine and the NIP Quarterly.
Contest details, including the 2011 topic and submission guidelines are available HERE.
The contest deadline is June 30, 2011.